Workflow & Automations

Create custom workflows in minutes, execute them efficiently and collaboratively, and automate the tedious parts.

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Trusted by

Orange Orano Thales Alenia Space Worldchefs Apave Inrae Calvados Servier
Build on your know-how

Create your own workflow

At the source of your workflows there often is an agile kanban board…

  • Customize an existing template
  • Or create your own from scratch using the methods and views you like
Create a workflow
Enhance your workflow

Gain time with automations

Do not waste time ! Turn many tasks into a single rule with a specific trigger by creating an automation.

  • Avoid tedious recurring tasks and reduce bottlenecks
  • Create your own rules and as many as you like
  • 100% no code
Use our automation engine today
Work together

Create an easy-to-use process with your team

Empower your teams to design processes that are right for your company.

  • Simplify your processes
  • Master your workflow by defining intuitive triggers
  • Customize all your rules to fit your own worflow
Feed your workflow with project forms
Automate wherever it makers sense

Choose from a wide range of triggers and actions

Use a high performing automation engine loaded with features.

  • Create conditional branches
  • Setup chain actions, manual or automatic triggers
  • No limit
Check our guide on workflow automation
Execute your workflow

Be simply efficient !

Visualize all your automations in a single place.

  • Configure all your automations for a specific workspace from a single view
  • Check the status of a particular automation on cards directly
  • Get notified when specific actions occur
Get Started
Use our Templates

Ready-to-use and customizable business templates

Create your ideal workspace: virtualize your workflows, configure your cards according to your data, customize the appearance and add views to extend the capacities of your tables.

Get Started
Manage your projects and tasks

Manage your projects from start to finish in your own way according to your needs.

Organize your processes

Create, run and automate workflows in minutes.

Share and structure your data

Bring transparency and structure to your business data.

Some of our blog posts on this subject

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