Configure my account

Reset your password using the link in the login page.

Yes, from your personal project hub “My Work”, click on “Add dashboard” then “Add widget”.

Yes, from your personal project hub “My work”, you will find a view configured by default “Cards assigned to me”.

Go to your user account by clicking on your username at the bottom of the sidebar, then select the language in the options.

Go to your personal project hub “My Work” in the left sidebar then “Add a dashboard” and “Add a widget” and select “Calendar”. Then select the Workspaces to take into account and use the filters if necessary.


Yes, for 2 hours for whoever wrote the comment.

Permanently for people who have the “comments moderation” permission in their role. In this case, it is also possible to modify the comments of others.

Yes, to do this filter your cards then create a view. Click in the menu of the view then on “Share this view” to copy the link and send it to your collaborators who in this case do not need an account to be able to access the data in reading mode.

You can also invite collaborators to your workspace with the role that will correspond to the access you want to give them.

Yes, go to the Settings of your workspace then “Members & guests” then modify “Default role”.

You can create views of your project, and generate a public URL for them, that anybody with the link can access (read-only).

In the card created by the form request, you can enable the “Show in request” option when adding a comment.

Comments added this way will be sent to the submitter by email and they will also show up on his request page.

You need to be invited by one of the team admins.

You can’t know who is subscribed to a card, but you can mention a user in your comment. Any mentioned user will receive a notification.

Yes, you can create a Yes/No field in your card, and use it in your form. If your mark it as required, the submitter will have to check it to submit the form.

Any member subscribed to your card will receive a notification.

Customize cards

Yes, press Maj + ? to get it.

Yes. If you hover your field, there is a small menu that lets you do exactly that.

Yes, you can create a formula field and use the expression : {finished at}

No, you can’t, but you can create a new tab in your card. To do this, add a new tab at the bottom of your card next to the “Activity” tab and “Sub-cards” via the menu with the 3 vertical dots then click on “new tab”. Then move the fields you don’t want to see there because the tab is closed by default.

No, you can’t.

Yes you can ! First upload the image in a “Files” field type on your card, then by hovering over the image, click on the menu with the 3 small dots then “use as card cover”.

Make sure card covers are enabled in the “Appearance” menu => “Displayed fields” => “Image cover” in the project top bar.

In the kanban mode, select group by Labels and then reorder your column by drag and drop.

The columns order is used to order your labels in their menu.

Add a formula field to your card with the query: {created at}

Double click on it. Then press enter when you’re done. Depending on your project role, you might not be allowed to do that.

You can use card relationships fields for that.

You must make sure that your field is available for any card in the project using the small settings menu shown when hovering the field.

You can add a formula field to your card with the query: size({Label field name})

Click on any + button that appears when you hover any existing fields.

On a card popup, you can drag and drop fields to change the layout.

Open your card then click on sub-card then on the “create sub-board” button.

If you open a card, you can drag and drop its sub-cards to reorder them.

Click on the + under the name of a Labels field then click on the circle next to the value to modify.


Configure projects

Yes. Use the option “include descendants” in the appearance menu, and use the filter: hlevel > 1

Yes, you can use the query: not #{Label}:{My cool label}

Use the filter: state!=done

Yes. use the “include descendants” option in the appearance menu, and then use the filter: parent?(#{Todo})

Replace “Todo” by any other column’s name.

In the appearance menu in the topbar, you can set exactly that.

Click on “Add view” then select “Timeline”.

Between each filter you can use the “or” and “and” keyword to add filters. See the guide on our query langage for more info.

Go to the workspace settings. At the very bottom of the window, you will find an “Archive” and “Delete” button.

You can track budget or time type data by adding “logs” to your cards.

To do this, you must first create a log category in the “Activity” section by selecting the appropriate fields.

Then you can save logs whenever you want and thanks to the “Log” view you can get a summary of them as well as a total for the numerical values.

Yes. Enable the “include descendants” option in the appearance menu. Note that custom card ordering is disabled while the option is ON.

Analyze data

Yes, you can do so in a report using the query: sum({field name})

Yes, you will need to use “;” between them as so: query1; query2

You can name your queries as so: query1 as “first query”; query2 as “second query”

You can create global reports from your personal project hub “My Work” accessible from the left sidebar.

Use the filter: {updated at} >= week_start() or {created at} >= week_start()

use the filter {finished at} >= today()

In a report widget, use the query: query(state = finished, count())

The “finished” keyword corresponds to dropped, completed and closed status. Use on of them in the query if you want to be more specific.

Select the report mode, then click on “add widget” in the top bar and select burndown chart in the list.

Automate actions

Yes, by going to Automations from a group/context (right click on the “…”) or directly in the Automations menu of the workspace. Indicate the trigger for this archiving state, ex: “triggers when a card is added to a group”: “Done” (associated with the “completed” state) then choose the action “Archive card”.

First, filter your project to show only the card assigned to this member with the filter: in {Assignees}

Then perform a batch action by selecting your cards (ctrl + click).

Then set the action “Set field for all cards” in the menu that opens, choose the field “Assignees” and select the new member.

In the settings menu of the “…” column go to “Automations” or directly from the workspace sidebar to “Automations”. When setting up your automation > “Define field” > “Due date” (or any other date field) then add 1 to the “interval relative to setting date” and then click “Set”.

In your email template settings, click on the “labels” icon. This will open the available variables to add to your email, i.e. the fields you have created, or the fields common to all cards, such as the card title for example: ${card:title}.

Right-click on a card and click “Select all”.

From the menu of each column, you will also find a button to select all the cards of the column by going to the “…” at the top right of the column.

Go to the “Automations” menu, select your trigger and then the “Send email” action. You must first have defined a template in the “Emailing” tab of your workspace settings.

When you see that an action has been performed on your card by “Kantree” with its logo, this is perfectly normal :) This actually indicates that an action has been performed automatically, via automation.

Manage teams and organization

If you subscribe to the Kantree Business plan, you can create teams that could play like project folders.

Yes, you can do this in the project settings window. You need to be admin in both teams/orgs though.

You can have team fields, that you can enable or not in projects. Go to the settings menu of your team to edit these fields. On the other hand, fields that share the same name and type will be processed as equal in all your global reports, even if they belong to different projects or card models.

Visit your team page by clicking on its name in the left sidebar. Then Click on the “Members” button at the top.

You can use card relationship fields to reference cards coming from other projects. You can also create card links to cards coming from other projects.

You can suspend your subscription from the billing section of your organization page.

In the organization settings window, you will find a delete organization button.

While they don’t accept your invitation and create a Kantree account, you won’t be able to add them to any project.

When a user leave a team, we remove all its access to cards and projects.

Mention, activities and assignments are kept but filters using the removed member username still work only if the user doesn’t delete his account.

5Go soft limit.

Connect with other tools

You can export all your card from the project menu. If a filter is active, you can export the matching cards only from the batch actions menu.

There isn’t any tool provided by Kantree to export reports. The only way is to take screenshots.

Separate your label names by commas in the cell.

You will find some here: