Cards are the smallest units of data in a project. They are flexible enough to adapt to your needs.

For instance, you can easily configure a card to be:

  • a feature request
  • a bug report
  • a deal to close
  • a candidate to recruite

The [layout](/help/guides/customize-cards#configure-the-layout-of-your-cards-in-a-project) and [fields](/help/guides/customize-cards#card-fields-overview) of a card are customizable to reflect how you want to structure your card. You can save this structure in a [card model](/help/guides/customize-cards#card-models).

Of course, you should be a project admin to customize cards.

Card fields overview

You can see a field as a data field for the cards. It has a specific type, a name and a position in your card.

You can give them a description (hover the question mark to see it).

due date with a description (hover the question mark to see it)

You can decide whether the field should be visible on a card tile (like in the Kanban board or in the My task section) or not.

here some fields visible in a card tile

Sometimes (depending on the type), you can set a default value to a field.

Types of field

Here is a complete list of all the possible fields:

  • Date: day, month, year and optionnaly hours and minutes (used in [calendar and timeline view](/help/guides/organize-a-project#planning-tools))
  • Files: multiple attached files from devices or urls
  • Labels: labels with extended customization possibility (like [any groups in Kantree](/help/guides/customization#customize-groups))
  • Members: list of the project members, used to [assign to cards](/help/guides/collaboration#assign-cards) and used in the [analytics](/help/guides/analytics), to calculate workload)
  • Number: Any number (used in the [analytics](/help/guides/analytics), as points to calculate burndown charts and velocity)
  • Rich text content: A long text with a [rich text editor](/help/guides/editing-cards#describe-your-cards-with-formatted-texts) (and markdown support)
  • Text field: a short text (with an optional color)
  • Time: hours, minutes, seconds
  • Yes/No value: Toggle between enabled or disabled state
  • Card: use [another board as a data source](/help/guides/organize-a-project#field-board-as-data-source), you can select a card from this board. Only one card can be selected at once
  • Card relationships: create [relations with multiple other cards](/help/guides/organize-a-project#field-card-relationship)
  • Email
  • Indicators: Selection of icons, with custom color
  • Like/dislike button: A button where members choose between like and dislike, a voting system
  • Link: URL (you can give a few words before your URL and this words will serve as a link)
  • Location: An address displayed on a map. You can hide the map (in the field settings)
  • Look up:needs a relationship field, display a the value of a field located in an other workspace
  • Multiple choice: Choose a value from a list of items. Work almost like Labels (like [any groups in Kantree](/help/guides/customization#customize-groups))
  • Phone number
  • Size: choose between: S, M, L, XL (used in the [analytics](/help/guides/analytics), as points to calculate burndown charts and velocity)
  • Skype username
  • Formula: allows you to compute a value based on other card fields or properties. To create a query for your formula fields, you should master [our internal query language, the KQL](/help/guides/kql). You can use formula fields in other formula fields queries or in [project reports](/help/guides/analytics) formula field

Kantree also provides cosmetic fields for better card layout customization:

  • Separator
  • Header
Labels and Multiple choices fields are using the same system as project contexts. You will find the same options in Context settings and these fields settings. They can also have a default value.
If multiple projects have access to the same Labels or Multiple choices field (via shared card models or team fields), groups created in this field will be shared across all the projects. It also means that in the same project, cards and sub-cards (and sub-sub-cards, etc) have access to the same groups.
You can quickly edit the color and the icon of any groups in a Labels or Multiple choices field. Click on the small circle right to the group's name. Quick edit groups

Edit a field

You can modify the name and all the options of a field in the project settings or in the card view by clicking on the edit button of the field.

open field settings

You will access to the field editor.

the field editor dropdown

You cannot edit the type of a field, you will have to delete it and create an other one with the new type.

Configure the layout of your cards in a project

A project comes with a small set of available fields for your cards.

These are the built-in fields in a new project:

  • Description: text content describing your card.
  • Assignees: Assign member to this card. They are automatically subscribed to the card activity.
  • Labels: colored tags to easily spot and filter related cards
  • Due date: date for when the card is due. Assignees will be reminded 24h before by email.
  • Attached files: upload file attachments

They are organized like below in your cards.

default card layout

Add fields

In a basic card in your project, you can easily add new fields by using the + Add field button in the sidebar.

edit project fields via card view

These fields will then be available for all cards in your current project.

What happens behind the scene is that, in a project, all the cards share a common set of available fields. Adding a new field in a card with no model will extend this shared set.

Change the position of a field

Drag your field by clicking-and-holding the small handle icon

move field

You will have multiple area on where you can drop your field:

possible areas to drop a field

  1. above the tabs
  2. in the sidebar
  3. in a custom tab. You can create custom tab by clicking the + button at the right of the existing tabs, and choose a name for it.

move field

In a same area, the fields are positionned related to other fields of the same set (it will make sense with the next section on [card models](/help/guides/customize-cards#card-models)).

You can modifiy this order, by drag and dropping fields.

A change in the position of a shared field will affect all the cards of your project.

Remove a field

You can remove a field using the small bin icon.

delete field

You should take care of data loss if you want to delete a field. All cards which have access to the deleted field will lost any data attached to it.

Move card tabs

You can move tabs and on top of each other, then you can have activities and sub-cards and any other tabs visible at the same time.

Just grab them by their title, and move them wherever you want.


Change roles permissions

The key icon lets you change permissions of the project roles for this specific field.

You can find more info [in our guide to roles and permissions](/help/guides/collaboration#managing-roles-and-permissions).

Card models

Sometimes in a project, you may want to have cards representing different concepts and you may want to visually differentiate them. For example, for product management, cards can be either a bug or a feature.

Here enter card models.

It will let you create different types of card with a specific color, a specific icon and a specific set of fields (and a few other options). Cards of this model will have access to this set of fields in addition to the project fields described sooner.

Add card models in your project

Create new models directly in the cards, from the model selector.

model selector

The card will instantly take the new model as its own and the fields added now to the card will in fact be added to the new card model.

You can also create models from the project settings menu (inside the Card models tab).

model editor

Edit a model

Change the color, add an icon for your models directly in the menu by clicking on the pencil icon.

edit models

Then, cards with this model will have the same color and icon.

card with model

You can also define a default model for sub-cards of cards with this model (eg. Feature cards will have Task sub-cards, with Feature and Task being models).

Add fields only to a model

When a card use a model, fields created in this card will extend the fields of the models, unless you uncheck the option in the menu.

add field to model

Only cards with this model will then see the new field (a small hint will help you find where the field come from).


You can also add new fields to model from the project settings (inside the Card models tab)

Move fields which are only for a model

You can [move your model fields like any other one](/help/guides/customize-cards#change-the-position-of-a-field).

The position will be saved relatively to the other fields of the model, and relatively to the shared fields of the project.

However, you cannot change the order of the shared fields of the project only for this model, it will change for all the card of the project.

Move fields between models

You have the possibility to move field between models. While performing this move, you will keep all the field values of your cards. You won’t loose any data.

You can also move a field to the project’s field set. Thus, the field will be available for all cards in your project.

To perform the move, hover the field, and click on the model name that appears at the top left corner.

Switch model for field

Then select the new model.

Fields from team

You can shared fields among all your project using the default fields of your team.


Then, in each project, you can choose if you want to include these fields in your cards. You will find this option in Project settings > card models tab.

Fields from team cannot be moved in your card layout, they will appear at the top of the card right sidebar.

Fields from 3rd party services

Some of our 3rd party services (like Github) add new fields to your cards, once enabled in your projects.

These fields cannot be moved in the card layout and they appear at the bottom of the card right sidebar.

[Check the get started guide for more info about services integrations](/help/guides/get-started#working-with-third-party-services)