Kantree has been built to be as flexible as you need it to be. You can structure your projects your way. Many aspects of cards and groups can be customized and adapted to your needs. Possibilities are endless!

Project properties

You can choose a color for your project.


You can also choose a background image.

background image

If you add a card cover image to the top level card, view your top level card this image will become your project cover. project cover

Customize cards

This section is being developed in its [own guide](/help/guides/customize-cards).

Customize groups

Kantree brings you a single concept to represent all the ways you can imagine to group cards together.

If you’re working on a software product, you can create sprints, milestones, releases, components, labels, etc…

If you’re working in HR, you can group cards by countries, departments, etc…

You can have multiple sets of groups in the same project, which let you have multiple logics to sort your cards. We call them project contexts.

Kantree comes with lists and milestones pre-created. Cards can be part of different groups coming from different contexts.


Then you can change the way you visualize your cards by changing the way you group them.

contexts switcher

As seen in the customize card guide, you can create fields which behave like contexts. Labels and Multiple choices are like that. Thus, every options covered by this guide on context, is available for theses groups fields.

Add new contexts

Adding a new context in a project can be done very easily in the group by menu. Just enter a name and press enter.

Adding context from context switcher

You can also create a new context in the project settings (under the Contexts tab)

Edit context

Some options are available for your context.

The context editor is accessible by clicking the edit button of a context in the project settings menu. It looks like the following screenshot:


As of Kantree 5.12, choosing a scope for contexts is no longer possible.

When choosing between “board”, “project”, “team” for the scope of your context, you are setting the availability for the groups of this context.

  • (deprecated) team means that all the groups of this context will be available for all the projects of the team. (this options is available only if [you define a context at a team level](/help/guides/teams#contexts-deprecated)).
  • project means that groups of this context will be bound to the project in which they are created and available for all the sub levels in this project, but they won’t be shared with other projects of the team.
  • (deprecated) board means that groups of this context will be bound to the board in which they are created, and won’t be shared with other board.

All contexts will have a hidden scope value of project.

All Labels and Multiple choices fields will have an hidden scope value of team

If you check the option Cards can only be in one group of this context at a time, cards cannot belong to more than one group of this context.

You can also apply a random color to newly created group if you check the specific option.

You can choose a display mode for the group in the tile view of a card :

  • hidden
  • as a label
  • as a colored border

Then you can choose to set a period that will be associated to your groups when you create them. This allows you to setup iteration (like sprints) very easily.


Examples :

  • 9d or 9 for 9 days
  • 1w 4d, or 4d 1w for 1 week and 4days
  • 1y 3m 2w 4d 15h for 1 year, 3 months, 2 weeks, 4 days and 15 hours.

The start date of the period will be today if no other groups of this context exists, or the end date of the last created group of this context.

Contexts can be modified from the dedicated section of the team’s page or directly in project’s settings.

Edit a context will impact every project using it.

Enable org contexts (deprecated)

As of Kantree 5.11, it is no more possible to create context for all the team. The feature is available for those who still have to manage existing org contexts.

You will find all the available contexts in the project settings.

Contexts, like [card models](/help/guides/customize-cards#card-models), can be created at a team level and shared between every project of the team. You only have to enabled/disable them in your projects.

Delete contexts

Delete a context will impact every project using it, all the groups of the deleted context will be deleted as well, and references of them in cards will be removed. Impacted cards won’t be deleted though.

Manage groups in a project

You can quickly create groups of a specific context by creating columns in the Kanban boards.

Drop cards in columns to give them a group. You can do the same in card settings menu.

If a card does't belong to any group of the current group by, it is displayed in an ungrouped collection of cards (a column in the kanban view, a table in the table view).

Different views options let you decide if you want to hide or not these ungrouped cards.

Manage models

You can select which [card models](/help/guides/customize-cards#card-models) are available in your project, in the project settings.

card models

Card models can be created at a team level and shared between every project of the team. You only have to enabled/disable them in your settings projects.

Then you can change the model of a card directly in the card view, or in the right-click menu.

change model from card view change model from contextmenu

If a card use a card model with a specific color or a specific icon it will spawn on top of the card right after you choose your model

Delete card models

You can delete a card model from the team page or from the project settings menu. A card model can only be deleted if no card in all the projects of the team is using it.

delete model

Manage recurring cards

Choose or create a card you want to repeat. In the card settings, choose make this card recurring.

make card recurring

Choose between daily, weekly or monthly, select a time and groups in which new cards will be created.

create recurring card

Click save and you recurring card will be created copying the card model, every fields (except members) and subcards.

If you want to edit your recurring cards (editing fields, changing schedule) you can do so from the project settings

Recurring cards are different from their origin cards, so you can safely archive or delete the latter, it won’t affect your scheduled card generator.

Save views

Views can be seen as shortcut to quickly configure the view of a project the way you want it.

A view is saving a mode (Kanban, Report, Timeline, Forms), a filter, a group by, archives visibility and a few other options of the choosen mode (collapsed groups, visible columns in table…).

View can be private (only for you), or shared with every project members. When a view is active, you can share the URL with other project members, and they will be able to directly access this view.

Create a view

Any changes in any elements described above are done on an Unsaved view*. This is a private draft view. Only you have access to it.

If the Unsaved view* doesn’t exist while you doing a change, it is created automatically.

You can switch back and forth between an existing view and the Unsaved view* without loosing your changes.

You can only have one Unsaved view* and any changes you do (even those you do from a existing view) overrides those who were already store in it.

Once you’re satisfied with your Unsaved view*, you can save it.

Click on the .... Two options: Create a new view (you must choose a name) or replace an existing one.

save views

More options (icon, accessibility…) are available once you saved it.

Be sure to save your Unsaved view* when you're satisfied because any additionnal changes will continue to modify your Unsaved view*.
You can delete your Unsaved view*. Then your first view in the sidebar will be activated.
If you delete all your saved views, an Unsaved view* is created automatically.
When you're building a report view, if you switch to an other view mode (Kanban , Journal, Timeline...), a popup will ask you if you want to save your Unsaved view* or overwrite it.

Edit a view

Hover a view in the sidebar to display the ... button. Click on it to open the editor.

If the sidebar is minimized, only the active view can be edited. Hover it to display the ... button.

You can decide if this view is available for the project and its sub-boards, or only to the current level of hierarchy.

You can share a private view.

If you want to edit the saved settings of a view, edit the layout of your project as you wish. An Unsaved view* will be created and activated. Then choose to replace an existing view instead of create a new view from your Unsaved view*.

Saved options

You can save in view a variety of options across a project.

In Kanban board and Table, you can save minimized and maximized columns.

collapsed columns

You can also save all the view mode options.

mode options

Saved view are very important to create reports as it is the only way to save them.

saved report

In Logs and Journal modes, the selected time span can be saved in a view. You can save a relative dates (like Today, Yesterday, or Last week).

saved journal

In Timeline, minimized/maximized groups are saved, compact/normal mode as well, and also the selected timespan and the selected [date field](/help/guides/customize-cards#card-fields-overview).

saved timeline

Delete a view

Delete a view directly by clicking Delete in its [edit menu](/help/guides/customization#edit-a-view). It doesn’t delete any cards or groups in your project.

Manage Forms

Forms gives you a simple way to let external people create cards in your project.

You can indeed configure a form and make it available to the people you want. Then, each time a form is submitted, a card will be created according to the terms you’ve set in your form configuration.

You will then be able to update the submitters about the processing of its request.

Learn more in the [Project forms guide](/help/guides/forms).

Manage Logs

In your card, you can log any kind of structured information. The most obvious application of this feature is time tracking.


Learn more in the [Logs guide](/help/guides/logs).

Manage webhooks

In the project settings, you can set webhooks for your project.


Use them to register URL that will be notified once specific events happened in Kantree.

More info about webhooks in the developers guide