
Machine requirements

Minimum machine requirements to run Kantree:

  • 2 CPU cores (>4 recommended)
  • 4G RAM

Kantree uses RAM to cache the data. The more users and projects you have, the more RAM it will use. Although having a lot of RAM is not needed, it increases the quantity of data that can be cached simultaneously which means better performances.

If you plan to store uploaded files locally, you need to consider sufficient disk space.

Software requirements

On the software side:

  • 64-bit Linux. Kantree is tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (and higher) and CentOS 8.2
  • Python 3.7+
  • PostgreSQL 12+ with the following extensions:
    • unaccent
    • uuid-ossp
    • pg_trgm
  • Redis

We require Redis as we use it as a queue and cache server.

It is strongly adviced to use a reverse proxy (Nginx, HAProxy, …) to serve Kantree. We don’t include one as many installation already use a central reverse-proxy to dispatch to many different apps. Nginx is trival to setup and we provide an example config file to help you.
If you don’t use a reverse proxy to serve Kantree, you will need to open ports 5000 and 4000.

An Internet connection is not required to install and use Kantree but you will need to make sure to download a pre-activated license file.

One-command install & configure on Ubuntu

Install and configure PostgreSQL 12 and Redis in one command on Ubuntu:

$ sudo ./platform install_services

WARNING: Make sure your locale is UTF-8 compatible before running the command.

Once the command is done, make sure the services are properly started.

Auto installation of Postgres on CentOS is not yet available. Checkout the official guide.

Configuring PostgreSQL

(Note: PostgreSQL is automatically configured if you used install_services)

You will need to create a database in PostgreSQL. Make sure the encoding is UTF-8. We also recommand that you create a dedicated user for this database.


CREATE USER kantree WITH PASSWORD 'provide a password';

You will need to activate the extensions:


Make sure you can connect using a host-based connection and a password using (assuming the server is installed locally):

$ psql -h localhost -U kantree kantree

If you cannot connect this way, check your configuration, most notably pg_hba.conf which controls access methods.

To make things easier, you can use the createdb command. It takes the same options as psql and will ask for a password:

$ sudo ./platform createdb -h localhost -U postgres

Configuring Redis

Make sure you have a Redis server running. No special configuration is needed.