Migrating from previous versions

Migration from versions before 10.3

The way to launch Kantree has changed. The process runner has been integrated in the app.

If you were using supervisord or systemd to launch Kantree, you will need to delete the previous files. A new systemd unit file is provided as an example at the root of the archive.

Migration from versions before 10.2

You will need to update your Python version to at least 3.7. It is recommended to use 3.8+. If you are using a Python virtual environement folder outside of each version folder, delete your existing virtual environment as it will need to be re-created for Python 3.7.

Migrating from version before 9.0

The configuration file has not changed since 8.0.

You will need to update your Python version to at least 3.6 and Postgresql version to at least 12. If you are using a Python virtual environement folder outside of each version folder, delete your existing virtual environment as it will need to be re-created for Python 3.6.

Migrating from version before 8.0

The backend part of Kantree 8.0 has been through a big rewrite. While the platform script helping you to manage your instance has not changed, the configuration file location and format has completely changed.

Here are the pain points when you are updating from a previous version:

  • The configuration file is now located at the root of the installation under the name config.yml
  • A lot of the configuration keys have changed
  • Possible options values are listed in kantree/config.py
  • Default location of uploaded files is now the uploads folder at the root of the installation. You will need to move your previous folder.
  • Kantree doesn’t include a runner anymore, only a Procfile. Although this should be hidden under ./platform run

The most important settings to take into account:

  • The former features section has disappeared
  • Database URI is now defined under the key database_uri
  • Redis URI is now defined under the key redis_uri
  • The push server url is now defined under a key push_server_url
  • The upload dir is now defined under a key upload_dir
  • SMTP options are now prefixed with smtp_ and are not located under any other key
  • Extensions located in the folder kantree/extensions can be activated under the extensions key.
  • If you were using ldap, see the Directory Services chapter

A basic configuration now looks like this:

secret_key: "XXX..."
server_name: localhost:5000
server_secured: false
database_uri: "postgresql://..."
redis_uri: "redis://localhost"
push_server_url: "http://localhost:4000"
upload_dir: "uploads"
smtp_server: localhost
smtp_port: 25
smtp_username: username
smtp_password: password