Usage examples


Example using cURL from the command line:

$ curl -u YOUR_API_KEY:

Example using custom Javascript client

class KantreeClient {
    constructor(apiKey) {
        this.apiKey = apiKey;
    execute(method, url, data, paginatedResults) {
        let options = {
            mode: "cors",
            headers: {
                "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                "X-Api-Key": this.apiKey
        if (data && Object.keys(data).length) {
            if (method === "POST") {
                options['body'] = JSON.stringify(data);
            } else if (method === "GET") {
                url += "?" + Object.entries(data).map(([k, v]) => k + "=" + encodeURIComponent(v)).join("&");
        return fetch(`${url}`, options).then(r => {
            const nextPage = r.headers.get('X-Kantree-NextPage');
            return r.json().then(data => {
                if (paginatedResults) {
                    data = paginatedResults.concat(data);
                if (nextPage) {
                    return this.execute(method, url, Object.assign({}, data, {page: nextPage}), data);
                return data;
    get(url, data) {
        return this.execute("GET", url, data);
    post(url, data) {
        return this.execute("POST", url, data);
    put(url, data) {
        return this.execute("PUT", url, data);
    delete(url, data) {
        return this.execute("DELETE", url, data);

(async () => {

    const client = new KantreeClient(YOUR_API_KEY);

    function formatCardObj(card) {
        let fieldValues = {ref: card.ref, title: card.title};
        card.attributes.forEach(attr => {
            fieldValues[] = attr.value;
        return fieldValues;

    // list all projects in orgs
    const orgId = YOUR_ORG_ID;
    let projects = await client.get(`organizations/${orgId}/projects`);
    console.table( => {
        return {id:, title: project.title};

    const projectId = YOUR_PROJECT_ID;
    const project = projects.find(p => === projectId);

    // list all cards in a project
    let cards = await client.get(`projects/${}/cards`);

    // do a search in your project
    cards = await client.get(`projects/${}/cards`, {filter: "status != done"});

    // create a new card: card are created under a parent card
    // all projects have a top level card that is automatically created
    // to create a card at the top level of a project, use this top level card as the parent
    let newCard = await`cards/${project.top_level_card_id}/children`, {
        title: "my new card",
        attributes: {
            "Description": "hello world"

    // create a comment
    await`cards/${}/comments`, {message: "my comment"});

    // retreive all activities, comments and logs
    let stream = await client.get(`cards/${}/stream`);

    // modify the title of a card
    await client.put(`cards/${}`, {title: "my card card with new title"});

    // modify an attribute
    await`cards/${}/attributes/Due Date`, {value: "2019-01-01"});

    // get a card
    console.log(formatCardObj(await client.get(`cards/${}`)));


Swagger client in Javascript

Example using the Swagger client:

        <script src=""></script>
            var client = new SwaggerClient({
                url: "",
                authorizations: {
                    api_key: new SwaggerClient.PasswordAuthorization(YOUR_API_KEY, "")
                success: function() {
                    client.setSchemes(['https']); // must use https
                    client.user.get_info({}, function(info) {
                        // ...